Toll Free Numbers


Department of Aging – Elder Abuse Hotline:  1-800-490-8505

Prescription Assistance (PACE/PACENET):  1-800-225-7223

Attorney General – Consumer Protection Bureau:  1-800-441-2555

Auditor General’s Tipline:  1-800-922-8477

Department of Environmental Protection Hotline:  1-800-541-2050

Ethics Commission: 1-800-932-0936

Department of Health – HealthLine:  1-877-724-3258
                                        Cancer Hotline:  1-800-4-CANCER
                                        WIC hotline: 1-800-WIC-WINS

Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA): 1-800-692-7392

Pennsylvania Homeowners Assistance Fund – Mortgage Assistance:  1-888-987-2423

Department of Human Services / general number:  1-800-692-7462
                                        ChildLine Hotline (reporting abuse or neglect): 1-800-932-0313
                                        CHIP HelpLine:  1-800-986-5437
                                        Autism Services:  1-866-539-7689
                                        Disability Services: 1-800-753-8827
                                        Welfare Fraud TipLine:  1-844-347-8477
                                        Child Support Enforcement Helpline:  1-800-0211

Inspector General Hotline:  1-800-932-0582

Department of Insurance:  1-877-881-6388

Pennsylvania Labor & Industry – Unemployment:
                                        General help:  1-888-313-7284
                                        File a claim:  1-888-255-4728

LIHEAP (heating assistance program): 1-866-857-7095

Liquor Control Board hotline:  1-800-932-0602

Department of Military and Veterans Affairs: 1-800-547-2838
                                       Beaver County Director: Kathy Nairn  724-770-4452
                                       Washington County Director:  Dr. Bobbi Cumpston, DSL  724-228-6864
                                       Greene County Director :  Kathy Cipcic  724-852-5275

PennDOT:  (no toll-free number available):  717-412-5300

Department of Revenue- Property Tax & Rent Rebate Program: 1-888-222-9190
                                      Customer Service:  717-787-8201

Department of State – Licensing Board:  1-833-367-2762

Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission Hotline:  1-877-736-6727


     US House of Representatives:

Congressman Guy Reschenthaler (R-14 District)
(Fayette, Greene, Washington, Indiana, Westmoreland & Somerset Counties)
Washington, DC:  202-225-2065

District Offices:
Washington County Office:  724-206-4800
Latrobe Office:  724-219-4200

Congressman Chris Deluzio (D-17 District)
(Beaver & parts of Allegheny County)
Washington, DC:  202-225-2301

District Offices: 
Beaver County Office: 724-206-4860
Penn Hills Office:  412-344-5583 (office is open by appointment)
Carnegie Office:  412-344-5583

   US Senators:

US Senator Bob Casey
Washington, DC:  202-224-6324
Pittsburgh Office: 412-803-7370

US Senator John Fetterman 
Washington, DC:  202-224-4254
Pittsburgh Office: 412-803-3501

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