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In this Update:
PA Recovers $11.3 Million in Medicaid FraudOne of my top priorities is fighting fraud throughout state government, and I’m pleased that Attorney General Dave Sunday’s Medicaid Fraud Team recovered more than $11.3 million in misused Medicaid funding in fiscal year 2024. In fact, a federal annual report ranked Pennsylvania first in the nation for number of Medicaid fraud charges filed against individuals and third in convictions secured. The report also states that Medicaid Fraud units across the country recover $3.46 for every $1 spent by the units. Retrieving this funding gave limited-income and vulnerable populations access to health care as intended. The Medicaid Fraud Team prosecutes those who defraud the program through unlawful billing or failure to provide services. It also prosecutes those who neglect or abuse Pennsylvanians dependent on their care and those who financially exploit older adults or care-dependent persons. Emerging Healthcare Technologies Examined at Committee HearingTechnological innovations to expand access to quality healthcare in rural areas of Pennsylvania were reviewed during a public hearing of the Senate Majority Policy Committee that I hosted this week. The public hearing began with a presentation by Dr. Laura Dimino, the assistant director for the Center for Rural Pennsylvania, about the serious challenges facing rural healthcare providers. Her testimony notes that almost half of Pennsylvania’s rural hospitals operated at a loss in 2023, and more than two million Pennsylvanians must drive more than 20 minutes to get to a hospital. Lisa Davis, the director of the Pennsylvania Office of Rural Health, shared data on the workforce shortages affecting rural healthcare providers and the lack of maternity care in seven rural counties. Dr. Rob Kruklitis, the executive vice president and chief clinical officer of The Guthrie Clinic, and Evan Hoffman, the director of state and local government relations for Philips, both shared how their organizations have successfully implemented new uses for remote technology to support mothers and nurses. Testifiers from the Pittsburgh Life Sciences Alliance showcased innovative technologies now under development by Pennsylvania-based companies. Satya Venneti, the CTO and co-founder of Telling AI, described her work to use AI to diagnose respiratory illnesses like COPD and asthma. Jamie Quinterno, the COO and co-founder of PECA Labs, outlined his work to develop a unique heart valve to address pediatric cardiac congenital defects. Megan Shaw, the CEO and president of the Pittsburgh Life Sciences Alliance, discussed companies like Abridge, which developed generative AI for clinical conversations, as well as policies that have attracted life sciences companies in states like North Carolina and Massachusetts. You can watch the full hearing by clicking the image above. Veterans Services Spotlighted by by Senate Majority Policy CommitteeSuccessful programs to connect veterans in Pittsburgh and beyond with health care and meaningful employment were examined during a public hearing of the Senate Majority Policy Committee hosted by Sen. Devlin Robinson (R-37) and chaired by Sen. Dave Argall (R-29) this week. Brig. Gen. Mark Goodwill, the director of the Joint Staff of the Pennsylvania National Guard, began the hearing by sharing the work the Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs does to support veterans returning from deployment. Marc Migala, the director of Veteran Care Services for UPMC, detailed UPMC’s work to connect directly with VA medical centers to provide health care to veterans. Veterans Care Services was created in 2019 and has rapidly expanded across the state. In the past four years, 12 UPMC facilities have established VA Registered Nurse Liaisons, professionals who work directly with veterans to guide them through the health care process. Sean Foley, the senior council representative with Millwright Local 443, and Erick Dickson, council representative with the Eastern Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters, shared how their organizations hire veterans through programs like Helmets to Hardhats, which connects veterans to jobs in the construction industry. Jack Lyden, the executive director of Pittsburgh Hires Veterans, shared the strategies his organization used to place veterans into 153 jobs last year. Representatives from Per Scholas shared how their organization has provided technical training to more than 30,000 veterans since 1995 without charging a dime for tuition. This was also a great opportunity to highlight Senate Bill 133, legislation I am working with Senator Elder Vogel Jr. on that would expand property tax exemptions for veterans. You can watch the full hearing by clicking the image above. Focus on the 46thIt was a pleasure to stop down and see my guys at the Morris Township Volunteer Fire Department in Prosperity last week to discuss their Washington County LSA Grant that was approved not long ago. The Morris Township VFD dedicates countless hours to serve their community and surrounding areas. In order to maintain a vibrant organization, they are making much needed upgrades to their existing fire station. I would like to thank (pictured L to R) Rick Dorsey, EMT; Jim Watt, Treasurer; Todd Patress, Vice President; and Joe Bails, EMS Crew Chief I would like to thank the municipalities, non-profits, and small businesses that participated in my sleeves-up state grant workshop last week in Greene County. The amazing Johnna Pro of Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development set a perfect foundation for the day by emphasizing the importance of simply following guidelines and focusing on project planning first and foremost. A fleshed-out project is better suited to navigate not only the state funding process but the county and federal level as well. Thank you to Johnna and her team, Greene County Commissioner Betsy McClure, and Laura Sohinki of the Governor’s office for making themselves available to the attendees for the day. A huge thank you to our presenters – Adam Mattis, PA Dept. of Conservation and Natural Resources; Angela Baker, PennDOT & SWPA Commission; Ryan Nornhold, Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program; Dan Mikesic, PA Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST) Finally, thank you to the Greene County Country Club for providing such a lovely space and your kitchen staff is top notch too. Thank you for preparing lunch for everyone. I had a lot of fun joining the Legislation and Real Estate Panel Session during the morning of the Washington County Real Estate Expo. It was a pleasure sharing the stage with Bryce Maretzki, Director of Policy and Planning at PA Housing Finance Agency, and Thomas Steele, Managing Partner at Peacock Keller. This was a great opportunity to share current proposed legislation that will directly effect real estate in Pennsylvania and underline my efforts to remedy an antiquated permitting process. That topic certainly hit some nerves in the crowd! It was wonderful meeting with these three ladies to discuss the critical role Community Action Agencies (CAA) across the state play for individuals and families in much needed assistance but to also focus specifically on our hometown CAA, Blueprints. I am sincerely thrilled to share that Trenna Passalacqua has transitioned from an interim role to officially becoming Blueprints CEO as of last week. You are going to do an amazing job, congratulations! Pictured with me from L-R is Michele Rudloff, Novak Strategic Advisors Senior Associate; Trenna Passalacqua, Blueprints CEO; Carrie Nace, Novak Strategic Advisors Senior Associate The PA Fish and Boat Commission has announced that the boat ramp at the Monongahela Access, Washington County, will be closed indefinitely pending repairs. The remainder of the Nelson St. access, including the parking lot, will remain open to allow for walk-in fishing. You can read the full news release by clicking this link. Online Unclaimed Property Auction – March 26 and 27Pennsylvania’s next auction of unclaimed property – including jewelry, collectible coins, currency and more – will take place on March 26 and 27. Treasurer Stacy Garrity said more than 5,500 items will hit the auction block, and anyone interested in bidding can register on the website of the Pennsylvania Treasury Department’s auctioneer partner, Pook & Pook. Unclaimed tangible property, like the items being auctioned, comes to Treasury most often from forgotten safe deposit boxes. Treasury works to find the rightful owner for at least three years before auctioning an item but holds auctions twice a year to make room for incoming property in Treasury’s vault – the largest working vault in the country. All items sold at auction are carefully documented, and net proceeds remain with Treasury until a rightful owner comes forward to claim the property – no matter how much time passes. Treasury is working to return more than $4.5 billion in unclaimed property that is owed to more than one in 10 Pennsylvanians. The average value of a claim is about $1,600. This money can belong to individuals, businesses, nonprofits, local government entities and other organizations. Anyone can search for unclaimed property online. My office is also always glad to help you file a claim or to answer any of your questions. Celebrating National Agriculture WeekAgriculture – one of Pennsylvania’s top industries – directly impacts our health, economy and communities. It also preserves open space. Farmers work tirelessly to provide us with fresh produce and dairy products. Supporting them is as easy as enjoying the wonderful foods they offer. As the weather begins to improve, farmers markets will pop up all over the state. Read more about Pennsylvania’s farmers markets. In addition to farming, many other jobs play an important role in our state’s agricultural success. Pennsylvania’s more than 500,000 jobs in agriculture also include the fields of business, technology, science and more.
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