In this Update:
Behind the Scenes at Last Week’s Pennsylvania Farm ShowThe 107th Pennsylvania Farm Show may have come to a close but before it did, I had a chance to get a behind-the-scenes look at this annual agricultural showcase. Thousands of families, farmers, exhibitors, and vendors traveled to Harrisburg to learn, eat, compete, and explore. Watch the video below: Measure to Boost Volunteer Fire Company Membership ApprovedI have sponsored a bill to help address the serious shortage of volunteer firefighters across Pennsylvania, and this week the Senate passed the legislation that would create a pilot program giving interested high school students training in firefighting. Senate Bill 114 would award grants to one higher education school each in eastern, central and western Pennsylvania to establish fire training programs for students in high school, with the hope they will remain firefighters for years to come. The number of Pennsylvania volunteer firefighters has plummeted from 300,000 in the 1970s to fewer than 37,000. Senate Bill 114 was sent to the House of Representatives. PennDOT Job Openings Posted for College StudentsSummer PennDOT jobs are available to full-time college students registered for the Fall 2023 semester. Jobs include assisting in seasonal maintenance work, crash system input and analysis, and maintenance and custodial services at roadside rest facilities. Many students also perform laboring and flagging duties in maintenance organizations and at highway worksites. The pay is $15.49 per hour. Students majoring in engineering or a related scientific or technical field might be interested in engineering internship opportunities at PennDOT’s Central Office (Harrisburg) or at one of its statewide engineering district offices. Veterans: Now is a Good Time to Review and Update BenefitsThe Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMVA) says that the start of the year is a good time for veterans to meet with an accredited veteran service officer to ensure they are receiving or maximizing the benefits they have earned through their service and sacrifice while in uniform. Safeguarding military paperwork – especially the DD-214, which is used to verify military service – is an important first step for securing benefits. Filing these documents for free at the county courthouse is an easy way to secure them until needed, which can often be decades into the future. Anyone needing assistance locating their military documentation can call the DMVA at 800-547-2838 or e-mail RA-REQ@pa.gov. A complete list of accredited county directors of veterans affairs and their contact information can be found here. Contact information for accredited veteran service officers can be found here. Blood Donation is Easy and SafeEvery two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs donated blood. Blood donors help accident and burn victims, heart surgery and organ transplant patients, those battling cancer and others. Please take the occasion of National Blood Donor Month to consider providing this lifesaving gift. You can find the nearest blood drive here, and learn more about the process here. |
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