Bartolotta Announces $15.5 Million in State Funding for Water System Improvements

WASHINGTON – Sen. Camera Bartolotta (R-46) announced today that the Pennsylvania American Water Company (PAWC) will receive $15.5 million from the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority (PENNVEST) in the form of two low-interest loans to improve access to drinking water to the Avella Area School District and residents.

“Students and families will have more reliable access to safe drinking water at a lower cost because of these loans. Together, the loans will save $4.3 million in costs that won’t be passed along to customers on their water bills or taxpayers through the taxes they owe. Being able to make necessary infrastructure improvements while limiting financial strain residents feel as a result is a huge win,” Bartolotta said.

The first loan, for $10.4 million, will be used to meet the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission’s June 2025 deadline to provide public water service to the Avella Area School District. The school district has its own supply source for drinking water and fire protection.

The loan will be used to extend an eight-inch waterline for approximately 35,000 feet along Avella Road. Water for drinking and fire protection will be provided to approximately 50 households along the route that will ultimately provide water to the school district. Two pressure gradients will be connected in PAWC’s current distribution system allowing for redundant supply in the area. The low-interest loan will provide the grant equivalent of $2.9 million during the life of the loan.

The second loan, in the amount of $5.1 million, will be used to address poor water quality and low water pressure for more than 1,400 customers by extending approximately 15,000 feet of waterline along Old Steubenville Pike and Campbell Road in Robinson and Smith townships. It will also add approximately 23 residential customers in need of public drinking water. The low-interest loan will provide the grant equivalent of $1.4 million during the life of the loan.

Both loans will be repaid over 20 years.

PENNVEST approved the funding at its board meeting today. The state’s PENNVEST Program provides low-interest loans and grants for the design, engineering and construction of drinking water distribution facilities, stormwater conveyance and wastewater treatment and collection systems.


CONTACT: Katrina Hanna, 717-787-1463

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