HARRISBURG – Sen. Camera Bartolotta (R-46) joined her Senate colleagues to approve legislation containing separate proposed amendments to the Pennsylvania Constitution to create a voter ID requirement, reform the state’s regulatory review process and provide sexual abuse victims with a way to sue their abusers.
Senate Bill 1 includes a constitutional amendment requiring Pennsylvania voters to present a valid form of identification before casting their ballots in an election.
“With the simple change of requiring voter identification, we can boost confidence in our elections without disenfranchising any Pennsylvania citizen,” Bartolotta said. “Enhanced election integrity does not need to come at the cost of legitimate access to the polls because identification cards would be provided free of charge to those that need them.”
The General Assembly passed a law in 2022 that eliminated the financial barriers preventing the most vulnerable Pennsylvanians from obtaining a photo ID, which allows homeless individuals to qualify for a free identification card. Additionally, 35 other states require some form of voter ID, with academic studies and actual election turnout overwhelmingly illustrating voter ID does not depress voter participation.
The second constitutional amendment would allow the General Assembly to reject any regulation enacted by the governor or other agencies of the executive branch by majority approval in both legislative chambers. A two-thirds vote currently is required for the state Legislature to reject a regulation.
“We need to look no further than the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) to know why this is so important. When Governor Tom Wolf signed the 2019 executive order that forced Pennsylvania into the regional carbon tax program, it resulted in a de facto tax that will drive up energy costs and threaten thousands of family-sustaining jobs for our Pennsylvania workers,” Bartolotta said.
While the General Assembly voted with large, bipartisan majorities to reject Wolf’s entry into RGGI, Wolf disregarded the legislature and joined the pact anyway.
Finally, the bill includes a proposed constitutional amendment to create a two-year window allowing sexual abuse victims to sue their abusers.
Senate Bill 1 now heads to the House of Representatives for consideration. If the House approves the measure, the three separate amendments would be placed upon the May primary election ballot for voters to decide.
VIDEO: Sen. Bartolotta’s comments about Senate Bill 1
CONTACT: Katrina Hanna, 717-787-1463