HARRISBURG – Senator Camera Bartolotta issued today the following statement reacting to an announcement made by CNX Coal Resources which will temporarily reduce staff levels at the Bailey Mine Complex during an unscheduled move of the longwall mining machine.
“While I am encouraged that these layoffs are only temporary, it is deeply concerning to me that the region has experienced such tremendous layoffs in recent years.
“These layoffs are a stark reminder of the need for responsible public policy that will positively impact individual jobs within the region. As the Environmental Hearing Board (EHB) halting of mining within 100 feet of Kent Run has resulted in these temporary layoffs, I am hopeful that the EHB can find a safe and responsible balance of mining activities at Bailey Mine without resulting in the permanent layoff of employees. I believe we can all benefit from an energy strategy that encourages the responsible development of our natural resources and allows for the vital jobs in our communities to continue.
“For anyone in the 46th Senatorial district that has been impacted, the Commonwealth offers a number of resources to help match employees with available jobs and assist with unemployment claims. Additionally, I encourage affected workers to contact me if they have questions or need assistance pertaining to any government program related to their job loss.
“For our economy to flourish, we need to embrace pro-growth strategies designed to stimulate economic development and job creation in western Pennsylvania and the rest of the state. Family sustaining jobs and economic prosperity directly correlates to increased revenue for the Commonwealth. In the 46th Senatorial District, the energy industry has been delivering for all Pennsylvanians through the direct creation of thousands of jobs and the production of inexpensive, reliable sources of coal and natural gas to power our economy. Indirectly, these industries support thousands of additional jobs throughout the region and beyond.
“As policymakers, the Legislature and Governor Wolf should be supporting strategies that encourage this kind of responsible energy production as a driver of economic development and prosperity. If we do not, the Governor will need to adjust revenue projections in his budget address even further downward, as the taxes and revenue generated by Bailey Mine Complex and the Pennsylvanians directly and indirectly employed by this coal mine will be disappearing.
“Lawmakers must act on their behalf to ensure that as we work through this budget process to move Pennsylvania forward, we are not leaving these workers and their families behind.”
CONTACT: Will Thomeier (724) 746-3762