HARRISBURG – Senator Camera Bartolotta (R-46) joined lawmakers and advocates for a press conference today in support of Pennsylvania’s new ignition interlock requirement for drivers convicted of DUI.
Act 33 of 2016, which was signed into law recently, will require first-time convicted drunk drivers with illegal Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) of .10 or greater to use ignition interlocks for at least 12 months.
“Installation of ignition interlock devices is a proven way to reduce the number of accidents and fatalities on our highways,” Bartolotta said. “I’ve spoken with a number of passionate advocates and families of DUI victims who have a genuine interest in preventing the kind of senseless tragedies that result from the poor decisions of impaired drivers. Their efforts were pivotal in earning passage of this legislation, and I look forward to working with them to explore other ways we can make our roads safer for innocent, law-abiding motorists and passengers.”
Video, photos and additional information regarding the new law are available at www.senatorbartolotta.com.
CONTACT: Colleen Greer (717) 787-1463