HARRISBURG – The Pennsylvania Senate approved a fiscally responsible 2024-25 state budget yesterday that creates new job opportunities for state residents, includes no new taxes and addresses the economic and demographic challenges the state faces in the years ahead, according to Sen. Camera Bartolotta (R-46).
The $47.59 billion budget includes key measures to boost Pennsylvania’s economy. The plan continues to phase out the Corporate Net Income Tax, a critical barrier to business expansion in the commonwealth, and ensures other critical measures that make Pennsylvania more business friendly.
“Pennsylvania has sacrificed billions in lost capital investment opportunities throughout the years. It is a huge win that lawmakers addressed the persistent problem of permitting delays as part of this budget. I have been passionate about this reform since I was elected in 2014,” Bartolotta said.
The new program, called Streamlining Permits for Economic Expansion and Development (SPEED), will establish permit review timelines by the Department of Environmental Protection and conservation districts. A new permit tracking system will be implemented, and applicants will now have the option for third-party review of air, earth disturbance and water permit applications.
“Changes included as part of this budget ensure Pennsylvania is competitive with other states that don’t face the high cost of developing industrial and business sites like we do, literally paving the way for more investment and growth,” Bartolotta said.
Significant resources are included to empower parents and families to make the best decisions possible on how to meet the unique educational needs of their children. The budget increases K-12 education funding by more than $1 billion to meet Pennsylvania’s Constitutional mandate to provide a thorough and efficient system of education.
Senate Republicans fought to ensure these dollars are allocated fairly in a manner that benefits students throughout the commonwealth, not just those students who attend a small number of select schools.
“As the former chair of Senate Labor and Industry Committee, I know how critical it is that we encourage students to focus on high-demand industries. This budget will serve students by connecting them to family sustaining jobs. It will bolster our economy as they put roots down instead of leaving Pennsylvania like far too much young talent already has,” Bartolotta said.
“The budget also significantly invests in transportation infrastructure, including an additional $80.5 million in one-time dollars, making more resources available to help repair our roads and bridges. I am also proud of the Senate Republicans’ record of leadership of supporting agriculture, water quality in communities throughout the state, empowering and funding law enforcement and ensuring healthier communities,” Bartolotta said.
CONTACT: Katrina Hanna, 717-787-1463