HARRISBURG – Pennsylvania – and communities in Beaver, Greene and Washington counties – will benefit from a series of grants to support affordable housing projects throughout the region, according to Sen. Camera Bartolotta (R-46).
Grants totaling more than $5 million were announced by the Pennsylvania Housing Financing Agency, including:
46th District Grants:
- $75,000 for the Salvation Army to assist Beaver County households in obtaining and maintaining permanent housing and help address the lack of affordable housing options in the county.
- $50,000 for the County of Beaver to complete home modifications – such as accessible ramps, door widening and bathroom modifications – for households with mobility and/or safety challenges.
- $80,000 for Housing Opportunities of Beaver County to create a movement toward more sustainable homeownership and bolstered housing stability.
- $50,000 for Blueprints to target renters in four select Washington County Public Housing Authority communities as well as participants engaged in Blueprints’ programming.
- $150,000 for Blueprints to continue a Reentry Housing & Self-Sufficiency Program for incarcerated persons at the Washington County Correctional Facility. It will fund short-term rental/utility payment assistance.
- $650,000 for the Washington County Redevelopment Authority to make renovations at Century Plaza Apartments in North Franklin Township, which provides 79 units of affordable housing for income-eligible elderly residents. Renovations will include the replacement of approximately 235 apartment windows, 24 exterior doors and 65 air conditioning units.
- $75,000 for the Washington County Redevelopment Authority to replace the concrete steps and install a canopy between Canon House and Canon Apartments. Both renovations will reduce the risk of falls for all residents, employees and visitors. The funding will also be used to create three accessible parking spaces.
- $10,500 for Washington County Redevelopment Authority for the replacement of an entry access system at the 104-unit Char House elderly housing facility.
Statewide and Regional Grants:
- $125,000 for the Pennsylvania Association of Area Agencies on Aging Inc. for two living spaces that allow seniors to live on the side or rear yard of a friend or family member. It will also subsidize 40 households in the home sharing process.
- $150,000 for the Housing Alliance of Pennsylvania to replicate effective homeless and eviction prevention program models, resulting in five new local program strategies.
- $25,000 for Union Mission of Latrobe Inc. to continue its partnership with the Western Pennsylvania Continuum of Care to administer a Homeless Action Board.
- $200,000 for the Salvation Army to aid in preventing homelessness by giving up to 640 struggling households rental/mortgage and/or utility assistance and case management and other supportive care for up to 40 families striving for financial stability and self-sufficiency.
- $100,000 for Voices of Independence to help personal care attendants stay in their homes by assisting in emergency situations.
- $40,000 for Tri-County HDC, Ltd. to deliver valuable guidance and advice that empowers low-income families and individuals to enhance their housing conditions and embrace homeownership.
- $60,000 for Liberty Resources Inc. to assist disabled and senior individuals, emphasizing accessible housing through housing counseling services.
- $100,000 for Servants Inc. to complete critical home maintenance and repairs for senior homeowners.
- $125,000 for Greater Community Corporation to address housing instability.
- $100,000 for Greenlight Operation for a long-term restoration home to aid sex-trafficked women.
- $200,000 for the Center for Community Action to develop the upper two floors of the Everett Hardwoods into permanent supportive housing that will provide 24 apartments for those most in need.
- $75,000 for HumanGood Pennsylvania to address food insecurity among low-income older adults in affordable housing communities.
- $75,000 for NeighborWorks Northeastern Pennsylvania to provide homeownership stability and loss mitigation services.
- $60,000 for Northwest Counseling Service Inc. to encourage financial stabilization and provide affordable housing opportunities.
- $200,000 for Pocono Housing Assistance Program for homeless prevention and homeownership counseling and financial education.
- $100,000 for Valley Youth House Committee Inc. to provide mobile outreach services to young adults and families that are homeless or have unstable housing.
- $200,000 for Philadelphia Green Corporation to increase low-income solar access by funding roof and electrical repair projects.
- $50,000 for Genesis Housing Corporation to support housing counseling staff to better serve the community.
- $200,000 for the Neighborhood Housing Services of Greater Berks Inc. to support low-income homebuyers.
- $50,000 for the Housing Equality Center of Pennsylvania to assist in exercising fair housing rights for victims of housing discrimination.
- $125,000 for Misericordia University to provide comprehensive family programming, support and life skills while mothers attend school full time to earn their college degree.
- $500,000 for the Pennsylvania Legal Aid Network Inc. to expand its legal advocacy project designed to prevent homelessness by providing legal assistance to low- and moderate-income households at risk of homelessness.
- $50,000 for Advantage Credit Counseling Service to teach money management techniques, how to prioritize expenses and resources to help stabilize housing.
- $250,000 for the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence to support housing solutions that keep survivors and their children safely and securely housed, particularly marginalized survivors and those in rural areas.
- $450,000 for the United Way of Pennsylvania to support a flexible landlord incentive fund and capacity building activities with 300 anticipated households served.
- $200,000 for Commonwealth Housing Legal Services to provide comprehensive legal and technical assistance for the development and preservation of affordable housing with a focus on energy efficiency.
- $50,000 for Advantage Credit Counseling Service to provide free, comprehensive housing counseling services to all Pennsylvanians who need or request it.
“Without stable housing, people don’t have a realistic chance at professional success and upward mobility. Instead, they’re forced to focus on trying to fulfill a basic need,” Bartolotta said. “When we’re able to eliminate that worry, they can put their energy into other things that also support their stability. I am pleased to know how much the Marcellus Shale Impact Fee will help communities across the state and right here in our own backyard.”
The grants were awarded through the Pennsylvania Housing Affordability and Rehabilitation Enhancement Fund, which was established in 2010 to assist with the creation, rehabilitation and support of affordable housing throughout Pennsylvania. Funding for the grants is provided by the impact fee taxed on natural gas drilling in the Marcellus Shale region and the state’s existing Realty Transfer Tax.
CONTACT: Katrina Hanna, 717-787-1463