HARRISBURG – Sen. Camera Bartolotta (R-46), Sen. Lisa Boscola (D-18), Rep. Nancy Guenst (D-152), Rep. Tarik Khan (D-194) and nurses from across Pennsylvania representing the Pennsylvania Coalition of Nurse Practitioners (PCNP) will discuss important legislation to increase health care access on Tuesday, Oct. 17, at 11 a.m. at the Fountain Plaza near Commonwealth Avenue, East Wing side of the State Capitol, Capitol Complex, Harrisburg.
The legislation would help to improve access to affordable health care services, especially in rural areas where the need is greatest.
Speakers will include:
- Bartolotta
- Guenst
- Khan
- Boscola
- PCNP President Cheryl Schlamb
- PCNP President-elect Amanda J. Laskoskie
- Dallas Riley, co-founder of Hall Riley Comprehensive Health Care
- Michelle Hall, co-founder of Hall Riley Comprehensive Health Care
- Laura O-Farrell, president of ADARA Healthcare Staffing, Inc.
- Cynthia Chew, assistant professor of nursing for the University of Pittsburgh
- Bill Johnston-Walsh, state director of AARP
- Ashley Klingensmith, state director for Americans for Prosperity
- Mike Clark, policy director for Convenient Care Association
CONTACT: Katrina Hanna, 717-787-1463