HARRISBURG – Senator Camera Bartolotta (R-46) issued the following statement today regarding the Wolf Administration’s announcement relating to improvements to the Department of Environmental Protection’s permitting process:
“The Administration’s focus on streamlining the permitting process is certainly a step in the right direction. Permit delays have been a consistent issue, particularly in southwest Pennsylvania, and I strongly support an approach to this problem that provides the necessary protections for our environment without creating new barriers and untold costs to resource development and job creation.
“For our economy to flourish, we need to embrace pro-growth strategies designed to stimulate economic development. Family-sustaining jobs and economic prosperity directly correlates to increased revenue for the Commonwealth. In the 46th Senatorial District, the energy industry has been delivering for all Pennsylvanians through the direct creation of thousands of jobs and the production of inexpensive, reliable sources of coal and natural gas to power our economy. However, all too often this progress has been delayed or stopped due to bureaucratic red tape and inefficient practices, not because of environmental issues.
“While I am encouraged by today’s announcement, much more needs to be done. I remain willing to work with Governor Wolf and the Department of Environmental Protection to make further improvements to the existing permit application and approval system.”
CONTACT: Katrina Anderson (717) 787-1463