HARRISBURG – Senator Camera Bartolotta (R-46) issued the following statement today concerning passage of the 2017-18 Fiscal Year spending plan:
“Controlling the growth of government spending is one of the biggest challenges facing lawmakers. The price tag for mandatory expenses like pensions, health care and human services has grown exponentially in recent years. The fact that we were able to balance the budget with only a minimal increase in spending – just $54 million in a nearly $32 billion budget – is very encouraging.
“While maintaining a fiscally responsible approach to spending, the budget also funds priorities shared throughout the region, including education, job growth and the fight against the heroin and opioid addiction crisis. In particular, the restoration of Governor Wolf’s proposed cut to pupil transportation eliminates a major potential impediment for local school districts. The new funding for manufacturing jobs should provide a boost to our local economy. Additional funding for naloxone and drug law enforcement is another step forward in our ongoing battle to prevent more individuals from being lost to the addiction crisis that has destroyed lives and families and cost hundreds of millions of dollars to the state.
“Although I have concerns about how the budget will be funded, the spending plan outlines clear priorities that will benefit southwestern Pennsylvania communities. I am thankful that we arrived at a solution that funds the services our citizens rely on most without any disruption or interruption.”
CONTACT: Katrina Anderson (717) 787-1463