Senate Committees to Examine Consolidation Proposal
HARRISBURG – The Senate will hold the third in a series of public hearings looking into the Wolf Administration’s proposal to consolidate the departments of Human Services, Health, Aging, and Drug and Alcohol Programs. This is a major element of the proposed state budget, and will affect countless agencies and individuals across Pennsylvania. The first hearing was held in Harrisburg on March 29 and the second was held April 13 in West Reading.
WHO: Senate Health and Human Services Committee
Senator Lisa Baker (R-20), Majority Chair
Senator Judy Schwank (D-11), Minority Chair
Senate Aging and Youth Committee
Senator Michele Brooks (R-50), Majority Chair
Senator Art Haywood (D-4), Minority Chair
Intergovernmental Operations Committee
Senator Camera Bartolotta (R-32), Majority Chair
Senator Anthony Williams (D-8), Minority Chair
Senate Appropriations Committee – Health and Human Services Subcommittee
Senator Pat Browne (R-16), Majority Chair
Senator Vince Hughes (D-7), Minority Chair
WHEN: Monday, May 1, 2017
11:00 am to 3:00 pm
WHERE: University of Pittsburgh’s William Pitt Union Assembly Room, 3959 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh
AGENDA: A copy of the tentative agenda is attached.
Senator Baker: Andrew Seder, (570) 226-5960, aseder@pasen.gov
Senator Bartolotta: Katrina Anderson, (717) 787-1463, kanderson@pasen.gov
Senator Brooks: Diane McNaughton, (717) 783-1244, dmmcnaughton@pasen.gov
Senator Browne: Matt Moyer, (717) 787-1349, mmoyer@pasen.gov
Senator Haywood: Michelle Welk, (215) 242-8171, mwelk@pasenate.com
Senator Hughes: Elizabeth Rementer, (717) 787-3378, erementer@pasenate.com
Senator Schwank: Jamie Klein, (610) 929-2151, jklein@pasenate.com
Senator Williams: Sabrina Hall, (215) 492-2980, shall@pasenate.com