HARRISBURG – Senator Camera Bartolotta (R-46) issued the following statement today in response to the announcement that Caterpillar, Inc. will close its facility in Houston, PA:
“This announcement is devastating news for the 155 workers who will see their jobs permanently eliminated as a result of the plant closure. The state offers a number of resources to help match employees with available jobs, and I encourage affected workers to contact me if they have questions or need assistance pertaining to any government program related to their job loss. I am hopeful that these individuals and families can find a way to move past this hardship and find new employment opportunities in our area.
“The closure of this plant is another stark reminder of the importance of pursuing the responsible energy policy without singling out individual industries for undue punishment. We can all benefit from an energy strategy that encourages the responsible development of our natural resources.
“It is critical for lawmakers in Harrisburg and Washington to understand the importance of the energy industry and what it provides to Pennsylvania communities. Protecting energy sources like coal and natural gas not only preserves jobs, but also protects every Pennsylvanian against the threat of skyrocketing energy costs. In the future, I hope that state and federal officials will take the time to consider the impact of their actions before they pursue policies that jeopardize the livelihoods of honest, hardworking people.”
CONTACT: Katrina Anderson (717) 787-1463